SA 8000

Social Accountability 8000

        Labor Standards on Social Responsibility: Social Accountability 8000 is an international standard on employee rights to improve the quality of work life of workers, covering child labor, forced labor, health and safety. freedom of association and right to collective bargaining labor discrimination practice in matters of discipline Working hours, compensation and management system Is to raise the standard of life of working people to have a balance in terms of work, personal life for a better quality of life. which must have support The true involvement of executives is a requirement that describes the role of management that must be involved in terms of protection. Including good employment vision to prevent labor conflicts


  • Entities or companies seeking SA 8000 certification must not act in violation of the SA 8000 principles, i.e. no child labor shall be employed. No coercive labor is used. without that person involuntarily In addition, the working conditions must be kept clean. It's safe for employees too. Must be allowed to join freely as a member of a trade union. and have the right to negotiate on matters such as working conditions, employment, compensation training promotion non-threatening physically and mentally, etc.


Benefits of getting certified

  •  In order for various operators to implement the requirements correctly with awareness of work safety
  • reduce accidents to reduce compensation expenses for employees which at present Workmen's Compensation Fund has quite a lot of workers claiming compensation.
  • help prepare For various safety-related tools in the event of an emergency
  •  for a good image for entrepreneurs to gain social credibility
  •  In order to prepare to compete with the world market. which must have a certificate for future trading standards