ISO 22000
Food Safety Management

            food safety It is considered the most important feature of food. to allow for defects or mistakes at all Because it will have a high impact on consumers, so it is very necessary that organizations in the food chain must pay attention And supervise the various operations of the organization to lead to safe food for the next organization in the food chain. And to the final consumer, so the ISO, an international organization that prepares and maintains international standards Therefore, international standards have been prepared. It outlines guiding requirements for organizations in the food chain. in action To lead to the creation of food that is safe for consumers, known as the ISO 22000 standard.



            ISO22000 This standard integrates the basic principles of hazard analysis. and Critical Control Points (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point: HACCP), including procedures established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which combine HACCP plans with basic hygiene programs. (Prerequisite Program) together, which will help to establish effective control standards. In summary, the ISO22000 food safety management system will be a system that gives consumers confidence in the organization to control the production process of food products that are safest and do not cause negative impacts on consumers.

Benefits of getting certified

            • Entrepreneurs can know the principles of food safety management. with the integration of GMP, HACCP for controlling the entire production process before starting the production process during the production process until the process of delivering the product to the customer

            • Entrepreneurs can analyze and assess hazards in all production processes according to 3 aspects of hazard analysis (biological, chemical, physical) in the HACCP system and allergen hazard analysis. from raw material inspection until it becomes a product to consumers to determine measures for control, surveillance and prevention so that the food produced is safe and does not cause harm to consumers


            • To increase the market competition for your organization in the first place, that is, your organization will be considered as the top seller list from the customer group. With a method of selection from vendors from system certificates according to that standard and for continuous evaluation of vendors before purchasing in the next billing cycle. From the seller's evaluation scores in the satisfaction rating level under the conditions specified by the customer