​The SAC HIGG FEM (Sustainable Apparel Coalition's Higg Facility Environmental Module) is a system developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) to assist businesses in the apparel and textile industry in measuring and managing the environmental impacts of their manufacturing facilities, particularly in terms of resource usage and energy, water, and material efficiency in the clothing production process. Furthermore, it supports improvements and efficiencies in the production process to reduce environmental impacts. It also aids in data collection and reporting, which can be used for operational planning and business decisions related to sustainability and environmental responsibility in the apparel and textile industry.

The benefits of SAC HIGG FEM include :

  1. Measurement and Environmental Impact Assessment: The system helps measure and assess the environmental impacts that occur during the production process, such as energy use, water consumption, and waste management. This helps businesses identify and improve areas with the most significant environmental impacts.
  2. Resource Savings: SAC HIGG FEM assists in finding ways to conserve essential resources in the production process, such as reducing water or energy usage in clothing manufacturing.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: Linking energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the production process helps businesses reduce their contribution to climate change.
  4. Environmental Responsibility Improvement: SAC HIGG FEM helps prepare data and reports that can be used to communicate environmental responsibility to consumers and government agencies, which is crucial for building a positive environmental image for businesses.
  5. Enhanced Credibility: Certification through SAC HIGG FEM demonstrates a commitment to the environment and sustainability in the production process, which can increase trust in the market and attract environmentally-conscious customers.
  6. Increased Efficiency: Using SAC HIGG FEM helps improve production processes for environmental efficiency, resulting in resource savings and long-term cost reduction.
  7. Cost Savings: SAC HIGG FEM identifies and reduces essential resource usage in the production process, such as water and energy, which can help reduce costs and impact business profitability.
  8. Image Enhancement: Certification through SAC HIGG FEM helps businesses improve their industry image and become role models for environmental responsibility, which can enhance consumer trust and drive business growth.
  9. Public Relations: Certification through SAC HIGG FEM aids in publicizing a business's environmental responsibility, attracting interest from the general public and relevant organizations committed to environmental protection.
  10. Climate Change Mitigation: SAC HIGG FEM helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the production process, such as through energy and water use reduction, which is crucial for accelerating the fight against global warming.

Certification in the SAC HIGG FEM system involves working in collaboration with the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the organization responsible for developing and managing this system. Certification is mostly a process where businesses undergo testing and evaluation of their production processes against SAC HIGG FEM standards and make necessary improvements to comply with the specified standards. Certification can be an ongoing process or periodic, depending on business needs for continuous improvement and alignment with their environmental and sustainability goals.

​In summary, SAC HIGG FEM is a significant tool for supporting sustainability and environmental responsibility in the apparel and textile industry. Certification through this system helps businesses improve production processes, reduce environmental impacts, and enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in sustainable business practices.