ISO 45001
Safety Management

                International standards concerning the safety and occupational health of personnel in the organization, from top management to operational employees. This is a system that focuses on management to reduce the risk of harm causing injury, illness, as well as loss of property. Organizational management helps organizations to address and control hazards that affect the health and well-being of their personnel. As well as helping the personnel of the organization to gain confidence in the safety of their operations.



            to reduce risks and hazards from operations For organizations that have established other management systems such as ISO 9001 or 14001, the requirements of ISO 45001 are adapted accordingly. Can be performed in the process of hazard identification (Hazard identification) and (Risk assessment) can be adapted into the preparation of the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system, which steps in the preparation of the system are similar to The process of setting up other management systems, which consists of 6 steps, are as follows:

  • initial status review
  • Occupational health and safety policy formulation
  • planning
  • Implementation and practice
  • checking and fixing
  • management review

         Therefore, the implementation of the occupational health and safety management of the organization will achieve its objectives and goals effectively. The organization shall comply with the quality policy. The management system is continuously improved (Continual improvement) and although the ISO 45001 standard is not a standard that is mandatory for all organizations to be prepared. But any organization can implement this standard system. It will be able to help the organization take action. Maintaining the production process and supporting the welfare of personnel working efficiently and also helps to promote Control the organization to operate in accordance with the legal requirements related to the nature of the organization's activities.